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Year: 2021

mental health counselor

What Does A Mental Health Counselor Do?

Who is a mental health counselor? A mental health counselor promotes optimum mental and emotional health to individuals, and groups who are facing mental-health-related issues. Generally, they help people going through stress, anxiety, mental health disorder, or any sort of crisis. They help people facing mental or emotional distress and who want to seek help […]
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Benefits of Career Counselling

5 Benefits of Career Counselling

Career development is not just about choosing a career field or landing a job. It is a vast term that includes a lot of factors such as your interests, background, abilities, values, personality, circumstances, and much more. Career Counsellors help you understand yourself and the world around you to make valuable and fruitful life and […]
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Career Counselling Explained

Choosing a career is a vital process in everyone’s life. It can be very tricky. Several factors need to be considered before making a career choice like interests, abilities, background, personality traits, circumstances, etc that can help a person identify his/her career. Situations keep changing. There might not be a one-time career solution for aspirants […]
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what is mental health

What is Mental Health?

Have you ever felt in your head that you’re alone? That there is no one there to hear your thoughts and no one who understands what you are feeling. Maybe you feel like what you are experiencing is crazy or different from everyone else. It might make it hard to talk about your problems and […]
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Precepts to balancing life

As we go about our daily lives we all feel as if something is missing, as if some void needs to be filled, the monotony needs to be broken, but we never realize why we feel so incomplete, and we find different ways to distract ourselves from this emptiness. Sometimes we think going on vacation […]
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‘The Flow State’ with Yoga and Meditation

Have you ever wondered when you have been your happiest self? That probably must have been when the time just passed you by and you were in a ‘ flow state’ where you indulged in an activity that challenges you but helps you utilize your skills that are unique to you. It is during this […]
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4 ways of leading a fulfilling life

Are you living life wrong? Discover 4 ways to lead a fulfilling life. Ancient Indian wisdom has given us a framework of living life but unfortunately we have long forgotten those golden principles of living life in a pristine and fulfilling way. 1) Health and wellness – ‘Mithara’ in Sanskrit translates to moderate food. If […]
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How to live a Zen Life…

The 5 elements that help you live a Zen life: Aahar (Nutrients that we take in) Vichar ( Thoughts) Vihar (Recreation and relaxation) Aachar ( conduct, attitudes, beliefs) Vyavhar (Behavior) Aahara(Food and nutrition)- Use the process of Mithahara, which is defined as ‘moderate eating’, that is not consuming in excess or subjecting yourself to starvation. […]
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